Stainless steel CNC punching machine It is made of stainless steel Punching machine Through our punching, we can get a batch of satisfactory results, and bolt the male connector on the pump high-pressure pipe and the female connector on the tool. Select the corresponding upper and lower molds. Install the upper mold first and then the lower mold. When installing the upper mold, screw the set screw out of a certain position before installing the lower mold. Make sure to put it in place and then tighten the set screw. Place the workpiece, stainless steel CNC punching machine Tighten the oil return screw of the oil pump, Anti theft net punching machine Price, move the handle until the work is completed and loosen the oil return screw. For example, when punching thinner metal plates, the material return pad must be inserted between the material return foot rest and the workpiece, otherwise the workpiece will be stuck on the die. The copper bar to be perforated must be placed between the upper die and the lower die.