The mold fixing screws are fastened; In addition to the regular maintenance items Full automatic CNC punching machine Fasten the mold and screw, that is, use a hexagon wrench to determine the mold screw to make it reach the fixed position; If it is loosened for a long time, it may endanger the punching safety, reduce the punching quality, or increase the hole diameter error.
Tighten the V-belt (to avoid sagging or danger); The inspection of the drive V-belt is also CNC punching machine An indispensable maintenance item: open the protective cover and visually observe whether it is loose to see whether it is sagging; In this case, tighten the transmission V-belt, but remind everyone that when checking the V-belt, be sure to stop the machine, otherwise personal safety will be endangered.
Lubrication and oiling (reduce friction of each part); Full automatic numerical control Punching machine It is necessary to add lubricating oil to each lubricating point every 1-3 months. When refueling, it is necessary to use an oil gun and add it to the corresponding parts according to the rules; After refueling, pay attention to dust prevention, because the lack of lubricating oil will increase the mechanical friction, reduce the service life of all parts, and may also increase the noise and cause noise pollution.